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Health Benefits of Using Far Infrared Healing Clothes

8 Health Benefits of Using Far Infrared Healing Clothes:

1. Increases Oxygen Content of Our Body

The water content is about 70% in our body and 80% in our blood.

While the oxygen is insufficient, the water molecule in the blood will assemble into group water (5 or 10 H2O molecules assembled into a "group"), and these...water group... shall not be able to go through the cell membrane. Far infrared can make the water molecules resonance and become independent water molecules (single H2O), which will increase the oxygen content in our body, restore the vitality of the cells and enhance our capability to against disease and aging.

2. Improves Micro Circulation System

Independent water molecules can travel freely between cells and the resonance of water by FIR, the energy will be converted into heat, therefore the skin temperature will be raised, and the blood flood circulated faster. While the microcirculation working in good condition, our heart can operate more easily without stress. The functions of our microvascular are to supply the oxygen and nutrient and to excrete the waste generated in our 60 trillion body cells, if any problem occurred in our micro-circulatory system, variety of diseases will appear. These diseases include hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer, arthritis, and cold or paralysis of limbs. The total length of our microvascular is about three times distance around the Earth, and it is so called our second heart.

3. Reliefs Soreness or Pain:

Common pain can divide into two categories:

a) Muscles or bones ligament pain after exercise

When we are doing serious exercise, our circulation system will not be able to supply enough oxygen; therefore, the carbohydrates will decompose anaerobically to generate energy and lactic acid simultaneously. Since our circulation system is busy supplying oxygen, the lactic acid will be accumulated and therefore cause pain.  FIR can either improve our circulation to prevent accumulation of lactic acid before exercise, or raise the circulation to remove the lactic acid after exercise.

b) Pain caused by long term of wrong posture, overuse or sports injuries

These are mostly through damage of muscle and ligament, and resulted unsmooth partial circulation. The main symptoms are "pain" based, often expressed with specific pain point, or more pain through some wrong posture. Meanwhile, aging, overwork, excessive sex or after pregnant will cause an overall decline of our circulation speed. The main symptoms are "sore" based, like unbearable for long standing, sitting or walking, and fatigue will make it worse. FIR can significantly accelerate our circulation, and improve the above symptoms which resulted from unsmooth or decline of our circulation.

4. Improves urinary and reproductive systems

Common menstrual pain of women and prostate hypertrophy of men can both be improved by far infrared.

Menstrual pain:

During menstrual period, female body will secrete prostaglandins to promote uterine to contract to expel the endometrium. Excessive secretion of prostaglandins may cause the uterine contract too much and result in menstrual pain. The FIR can warm deeply and soothe the uterine muscle to reduce discomfort caused by menstrual pain.

Prostate Hypertrophy:

Most men will encounter the issue of growth of the central prostate after they go into middle age. This section of prostate is surrounding the urethra, when it grows bigger will give pressure to the urethra, and result in frequent urinary, nocturia, urgency, and difficulty urinating. Far infrared can partially suppress the smooth muscle of prostate and bladder, and reduce obstruction.

It shall greatly reduce the pressure on the urethra, and increase urination rate, urine output and the symptoms of intermittent urine.

5. Increases Metabolism

Through improvement of the microcirculation system, the waste generated by metabolism can be rapidly excreted, thus reduce the burden of our liver and kidney. These wastes include heavy metals (cause cancer), lactic acid (cause fatigue and aging), free fatty acids and subcutaneous fat, free ions (cause hypertension) and uric acid (cause gout).

6. Balances the PH of our body

Far infrared can help purify the blood and improve skin quality.

It can also prevent or relief the pain in bones, joints and gouts caused by high uric acid.

7. Eliminates Disease Cells

FIR can transfer heat deeply into our body, and cancer cells are generally not tolerable to heat, should be easily eliminated by heat. According to some medical literatures, the cancer cells have lower heat resistance compared to the normal cells, they will be greatly eliminated when heated higher than 42°C, but normal cells won’t. While FIR has been absorbed by our body, normal cells will be activated by the resonance effect, but the cancer cells will be cooked by heat and killed by our enhanced immune system.

8. Prolongs the Lifetime of Fistula of Uremic Patients

The fistula is like the second life of uremic patients, but most patients have encountered occurrence issue in their fistulas, therefore have to receive surgery constantly, and eventually there will became nowhere to put the fistula. This is because the fistula has to get infection constantly, and some narrow points will be generated, and therefore decrease the blood flow. Far infrared can increase the blood flow in fistula and improve the recovery at the injection site. Continuous use of FIR on fistula can maintain the flexibility and smooth the blood flow. Thus the lifetime of the fistula may be increased, and save the number of repeated surgery.

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